Steve Jobs once said, “[Design is] not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” He was talking about Apple products, but the same applies to interior design, especially when it comes to small spaces. How can we decorate small spaces to look beautiful but also function well? Here are ideas for doing just that in your kitchen and dining area, bathroom, living room, and bedroom.
Kitchen and Dining Area
The kitchen is the heart of the home! But with all the fun gadgets and practical tools to store, it can get messy. Here are some easy ways to spruce up your space without adding clutter:
Bathrooms don’t need a lot of space to be functional, and smaller bathrooms actually leave a ton of room for creative interior decoration! Here are a few ideas :
Living Room
The living room might offer the most freedom when it comes to interior design. All you need is a place to sit, and then the sky’s the limit! Check out these ideas for making the room look put together:
The bedroom might be the most important room to keep looking organized and put-together. It’s a place to feel peaceful as you wind down for sleep and start your day on a positive note. Here’s how you can make a small bedroom feel cohesive and organized:
Let’s make our homes both beautiful and functional! Try some of these ideas for making your kitchen and dining area, bathroom, living room, and bedroom places you love to be.
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Vikki G.
Michelle M. (Yelp)
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